Occupation records for sampford peverell
There is also information about people's occupations in the census records on this page
and in the trade directories on this page
Occupations are often given in the parish register pages for baptisms and marriages - see our births and marriages pages.
and in the trade directories on this page
Occupations are often given in the parish register pages for baptisms and marriages - see our births and marriages pages.
These are mainly transcriptions of apprenticeship indentures, with some other court order details. They range from 1599 to 1855.
Click below to see the PDF version:
Apprenticeship records
or click here to download the Apprenticeship records in Excel
Click below to see the PDF version:
Apprenticeship records
or click here to download the Apprenticeship records in Excel
Licensed Victuallers
From 1552 alehouse keepers had to apply for a licence from a Justice of the Peace at the Quarter or Petty Sessions, and from 1617 licences were required for those running inns. Landlords had to declare that they would not operate a disorderly pub and they had to enter into certain obligations, known as a Recognizance or Bond. From 1753 full registers of victuallers and their Recogizances had to be kept at Quarter Sessions, so licensing became more thoroughly recorded. The Licensing and Beer Acts of 1828 and 1830 loosened the regulations again and made it possible for any householder assessed to the poor rate to sell beer, ale or cider by just taking out an Excise licence. This means that licensing records are patchy after 1828.
We have transcribed the information held in the Devon Heritage Centre for Sampford Peverell licensed victuallers from 1661 to 1828, and a list from1903.
Click here for a PDF version or click here to download the Excel spreadsheet
From 1552 alehouse keepers had to apply for a licence from a Justice of the Peace at the Quarter or Petty Sessions, and from 1617 licences were required for those running inns. Landlords had to declare that they would not operate a disorderly pub and they had to enter into certain obligations, known as a Recognizance or Bond. From 1753 full registers of victuallers and their Recogizances had to be kept at Quarter Sessions, so licensing became more thoroughly recorded. The Licensing and Beer Acts of 1828 and 1830 loosened the regulations again and made it possible for any householder assessed to the poor rate to sell beer, ale or cider by just taking out an Excise licence. This means that licensing records are patchy after 1828.
We have transcribed the information held in the Devon Heritage Centre for Sampford Peverell licensed victuallers from 1661 to 1828, and a list from1903.
Click here for a PDF version or click here to download the Excel spreadsheet
Parish Constables
There were parish constables in the village for hundreds of years, but in 1842 legislation moved the appointment of them from magistrates to the parish. As a result the appointments from 1842 onwards were recorded in the Vestry minutes, giving their names and occupations. County police forces were set up during the nineteenth century and the role of the parish, or petty, constable, declined. the last appointments here were made in 1872. This is a list of the Sampford Peverell constables from 1842 to 1872: Parish Constables